Kyara's style of the day (Orange passion)

Posted by Kyara | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Orange passion
Orange passion - par Kyara Natural on

Kyara doesn't care about Good Hair

Posted by Kyara | Posted on Monday, March 30, 2009


I remember when I was a little girl, my grand mother used to dress my hair. It was so painful that I was trying to escape her grasp. She would hit my head with the comb and ask "Why don't you have good hair?". That scenario would repeat itself every weekend of my childhood. But what exactly is good hair?

I don't know if you've heard, but Chris Rock has filmed a docu-comedy about hair. The idea came to him when his little girl came home crying one day asking why she did not have good hair.

That question motivated him to go across America and India in order to learn more about why black women spend so much time and money for their hair to look different (white).
I'm definetly going to see this Prize winning Documentary (Sundance Film Festival '09) as soon as it gets released!

Have a look at these two short clips:


Kyara's style of the day (sustainable development week)

Posted by Kyara | Posted in | Posted on Monday, March 30, 2009


Sustainable development
Sustainable development - par Kyara Natural on

Kyara tries conditioner as a leave-in

Posted by Kyara | Posted in | Posted on Friday, March 27, 2009


Since I've decided to go natural, I've been looking for tips and advice on how to deal with my transitioning 4a/4b texture.
One of the techniques that's been mentioned was to use traditional conditioner as a leave-in.
It is said to:
  • help style your hair,
  • protect your ends,
  • keep it moisturized all day.

I gave it a shot yesterday morning and here's what how I did it:
  1. Co-washed with elseve anti-casse but didn't rinse all the product off
  2. Detangled on soaking wet hair with my shower comb
  3. Re-applied Elseve anti-casse to style my hair. I rocked a low bun (didn't think about taking a pic but it was very silky)

To sum-up:

I expected silky and moisturized hair but what I got is sitcky hair and red eyes!!! I must explain that I have the finger in the hair syndrom but if you combine it with the finger in the eye habit, it can lead to big problems!!! lol!
The thing I must admit is that my hair was very easy to style...
Maybe I've done something wrong... too much conditioner, bad choice of conditioner... Tell me what you think and if you use this technique!

Other alternatives are conditioners that CAN be used as leave-ins (usually indicated on the box). They are formulated especially not to give you stingy eyes and to let your hair light. Kanellia is a really good french brand that provides this kind of conditioner (I tried it and it kept my hair moisturized and healthy), farida b. is another one but I haven't tried it yet.

Hope to hear from you!


Kyara's style of the day : classic chic

Posted by Kyara | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2009


classic chic
classic chic - par Kyara Natural on

Kyara's transition

Posted by Kyara | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Yes! My decision is made... I will be totally natural in less than a year!
Let's start from the beginning:

1 had my last relaxer in december 2008 (see picture).
Then I began to search for tips to take care of my hair and I found a lot of blogs and forums talking about being natural and showing people enjoying their coily, curly, kinky or wavy hair!

Here is a list of my favorites:

I decided to transition in february (2 months after my last relaxer) but I don't know yet how long the transition will last...

Now I am fighting to find transition styles and products that work well with my hair (reviews are coming soon)

I can't wait to get rid of all this damaged hair!!!

If anyone has tips, products to try, styles to wear I will be more than happy to give it a try :)

Stay tuned for more updates!


Kyara's style of the day: Working Girl

Posted by Kyara | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Working girl
Working girl - par Kyara Natural on

Kyara is not her hair

Posted by Kyara | Posted on Thursday, March 19, 2009


I have heard of a song from India Arie (extraordinary singer but unfortunately not very famous in France). The song is called "I am not my hair" and as I am transitionning the lyrics really talked to me...

It seems to be about my life:
Little girl with the press and curl
Age eight I got a Jheri curl
Thirteen I got a relaxer
I was a source of so much laughter
At fifteen when it all broke off
Eighteen and went all natural

Lots of us changed the way they looked because of the pressure from the environment. It's important to be who you wanna be.
At first, my decision to go natural had nothing to do with philiosophy. I just wanted to be able to manage my hair in an easier way but when you decide to do such things, you have to struggle everyday for people to accept you as you are so now I embrace this combat...

we all need to get over stereotypes... I am sure everyone has already heard someone talk about good and bad hair
Good hair means curls and waves Bad hair means you look like a slave
Now I love my hair as it is and it's never been healthier!!!

Check it out & be natural!!! :)


J'ai récemment entendu une chanson d'India Arie (chanteuse extraordinaire mais malheureusement peu connue en France). La chanson s'intitule "I am not my hair" et étant donné que je suis en pleine transition pour revenir à ma texture de cheveux naturelle, les paroles m'ont semblé avoir été écrites pour moi...

J'ai l'impression qu'elle parle de ma vie:
Little girl with the press and curl
Petite fille avec un "press and curl"
Age eight I got a Jheri curl
A huit ans, on m'a fait un "Jheri curl"
Thirteen I got a relaxer
A treize ans je me suis défrisé les cheveux
I was a source of so much laughter
On a tellement ri de moi
At fifteen when it all broke off
A 15 quinze ans mes cheveux se sont tous cassés
Eighteen and went all natural
A 18 ans je suis revenue au naturel

Beaucoup d'entre nous ont changé leur apparence à cause des pressions exercées par leur environnement. J'ai compris qu'il est important d'être qui on veut être
Ma décision de revenir au naturel n'avait a priori rien à voir avec des considérations philisophiques ou politiques. Je souhaitais juste me simplifier la vie, mais en prenant une telle décision, j'ai pris conscience que c'est un combat quotidien pour lutter contre les préjugés et j'ai embrassé ce combat!

Nous devons tous dépasser ces stéréotypes... Lequel d'entre nous n'a jamais entendu parler de "bons" et de "mauvais" cheveux
Good hair means curls and waves Bad hair means you look like a slave
Les bons cheveux sont bouclés ou ondulés, les mauvais signifient que tu as les attributs d'un esclave

En ce qui me concerne j'aime mes cheveux au naturel et ils n'ont jamais été aussi beaux!!!

Jetez un oeil au clip d'india & soyez naturels!!! :)



Kyara needs to go back to her roots...

The reason why I decided to begin this blog is because I feel that it's an occasion to go back to the real me... You know, sometimes when you are in the day to day life, you forget a little bit that it's good to dream, to love and most of all to live!

That's why I wanna talk and share opinions with you about things as serious as politics, environment and education but also as frivolous as hair, fashion and make up.

This year I'm turning 25 and that scares me!! (ok I'm over reacting)

To tell you the whole story, the other day, I was wondering:

what have I done, what will I do, what do I want to do?

And I think it's time to take some new resolutions.

So this is what I decided:
1st: TRANSITIONING I wanna go from relaxed to natural hair because I love my nappy hair! ;)
2nd: WORKOUT go to the gym at least twice a week (maybe the hardest)
3rd: CHOOSE THE GOOD GUY I always tend to choose the bad guy, the one who will lie to you, the one who will make you forget all his mistakes with a smile...

These are my 3 first resolutions but there are more to come (I still have 2 month to think about it 'til my birthday). I'll update you about the new Kyara, so stay tuned!!



Kyara veut faire un retour aux sources...

La raison pour laquelle j'ai décidé de commencer ce blog résidait dans le sentiment que c'était l'occasion de revenir aux sources... Vous savez, parfois, dans la vie de tous les jours, on oublie un peu qu'il est important de rêver, d'aimer et, par dessus tout, de vivre!!!

C'est pour cela que je veux parler et partager des opinions avec vous sur des choses aussi sérieuses que la politique, l'environnement et l'éducation mais aussi futiles que la coiffure, la mode et le maquillage.

Cette année, j'aurai 25 ans et je dois avouer que ça me fait un peu peur!! (ok, j'exagère un peu)
Pour tout vous dire, il y a quelques jours, je me demandais:

Qu'est que j'AI réalisé, qu'est que je VAIS réaliser, qu'est que j'AI ENVIE de faire?
Et je pense qu'il est temps de prendre quelques résolutions...

Alors voici ce que j'ai décidé:
1: TRANSITIONING Couper tous ces cheveux défrisés et revenir à ma texture naturelle, tout simplement parce que j'ai mes cheveux crépus! ;)
2: FAIRE DU SPORT aller à la salle au moins deux fois par semaine (peut-être la plus difficile à tenir)
3: CHOISIR LA BONNE PERSONNE J'ai toujours tendance à choisir le mauvais garçon, celui qui vous mentira, celui qui vous fera oublier toutes ses erreurs rien qu'avec un sourire...

Ce sont mes trois premières résolutions mais d'autres suivront (j'ai encore deux mois pour y penser avant mon anniversaire). Je vous donnerai régulièrement des news sur la nouvelle Kyara alors restez en ligne!! ;)
